Fix PS5 X Button Not Working [Guide For Beginners 2024]

Written By Farhan Bin Matin

PlayStation 5 is by far the most selling console in this generation. With all the new games dropping, it will sell even more. I mean, who would for Horizon Forbidden west, Grand Turismo, and God of War Ragnarok on PC?

When it comes to the seeling part of a console, it is always about the Hardware for some people. At least it was before. Nowadays, it is more about what games they are offering and what new features will be added on.

Sony just achieved that with all the exclusives and the new DualSense controller. The Dualsense controller is something that nobody has ever seen.

Can you take apart a PS5 controller?

Yes, you can take apart a PS5 controller. It is very easy to do so. But if you are not someone who is good at fixing things, it is not really a good option to open it up. Because if you are not familiar with the process, you might break the controller for good.


The dual Sense controller has some fantastic features on it, but people are facing some issues with the controller. This only makes sense because the controller is new, and people do not know the exact workaround to fix these issues.

I have been a big admirer of the PlayStation 5 and the Dual Sense. As a fellow PlayStation user, I will explain how you can easily fix the Dual Sense controller in this guideline.

So put on your reading glasses to get your desired fix.

Why did my PS5 controller stop working?

Your controller might be stopped working because there is no charge left in the Dual Sense controller. Or the controller may have disconnected with the PlayStation 5. Sometimes when there is an error in the game, the controller might stop working.

If your PS5 controller isn’t functioning, it might be for a variety of reasons. The charging cord is the most typical source of failure. The cable that is being used to charge the controller might be defective. The console’s USB port may possibly be malfunctioning.

Make sure your PS5 controller is fully charged and linked with your system before looking at any solution. If your PS5 Controller won’t switch on, the first thing you need to do is make sure the DualSense Controller has adequate battery life to complete this step.why-did-my-ps5-controller-stop-working

By choosing Accessories in the control center, you can see how much battery life your controller has left. The controller battery begins charging as soon as you plug in the USB wire from your controller to your PS5 console. The battery symbol comes to life when it’s being recharged.

The top LED bar of the DualSense Controller will begin to pulse orange while it is charging. This will show that the device is charging.

Most likely, a problem with the PS5 controller’s internal battery will keep the controller from charging. The simplest solution may be to check your charging connector. Use the cable on a variety of devices, such as your phone or a speaker, to ensure that it works properly. Players often blame their controller for not charging when their USB cord malfunctions.

Your console’s USB ports could be tested out. It’s possible that switching the USB cord to a different port can solve your problem. These USB ports cannot be fixed and must be replaced by an authorized manufacturer. There is no official remedy for this problem.

If you have done everything and still your controller is not connecting, then going to rest Mode isn’t an option if you’ve powered on your PS5 and found that the controller’s inputs aren’t being acknowledged and nothing happens on the home screen. Rather hit the PS5’s power button once, and hold it down for a few seconds. This starts the process of shutting down the PS5 entirely after the first beep, followed by a second sound.

If you let go of the power button early without hearing the second beep, your console will go to the rest mode, which can bring more errors than solving any. So be careful when you are trying to do a force shut down on a Playstation 5.

Once you’ve waited a few minutes, connect your PS5 controller to the console using the USB cord that came with it. Restart the computer by using the same button you used to turn it off; this boot-up time will be longer than normal. You should now be able to return to the PS5 home screen and use your controller.

Related content you should read about fix PS5 can’t Obtain IP Address.

How to fix PS5 X button not working

The X button on the PS 5 controller is very important. It is like the enter button on the keyboard. You need the X button to go through everything. With all the games that are coming out in February, you should be ready with your PS5 controller. I mean, the Horizon Forbidden West will take the gaming industry by the storm in this weekend. Horizon Forbidden West has the Dual Sense features and so do all the First-party games.

To make February more competitive, Cyberpunk 2077 has also dropped the PlayStation version of the game, which also includes the haptic feedback and adaptive triggers of the Dual Sense controller. I have already played the PS5 version, and I can tell you the adaptive trigger while driving the car is amazing. The controller will give you a good haptic motion on your friend while you are on your foot or sprinting on different objects.

Now coming back to the main topic. Fixing a PS5 controller is easy. If you are out of luck, then you might be in big trouble. But it shouldn’t be a big problem if you haven’t dropped your Controller with a force or banged it into the wall because you lost a match in FIFA! Hey, I don’t blame you. FIFA can be frustrating.

But now that we know the basics, let’s get into troubleshooting.

Here are the steps to fix the PS5 X button not working:

1. Clean your Dual Sense Controller

Imagine the times you’ve rubbed your face while playing video games, nibbling on a bag of chips, and patting your dog. Every time you do it and then go back to playing video games, you leave some dirt or grease on your controller.

Grease can be extremely dangerous for the controller. If there is any liquid spilled on your controller, then you will notice all your buttons are sticky and not working. However, you can fix it without opening up your controller. You just have to clean it.clean-your-dual-sense-controller

Here are the steps to clean your PS5 controller:

  • Disconnect your controller and any cables.
  • Clean up the holes with a toothpick.
  • Scrub the case and buttons with a Q-tip or a dry toothbrush.
  • Wipe it down with a cloth.
  • Clean the buttons with rubbing alcohol.
  • Dry your controller.

After drying down the controller, charge it for a while, then connect it with your PS5. If your controller is working fine, do not repeat the same mistake again and keep your controller clean. If the X button is not working, follow the next method.

2. Calibrate your Dual Sense battery

Sometimes your Controller may need calibration. Most of the time, when you let the controller dry out in battery juice and then next time you fully charge it, it works fine. I had the same problem with my PS4 controller. After I fully charged the controller, it worked fine.

Here are the steps to calibrate the PS5 controller battery:

  • Dry the controller battery to 0%.
  • Connect the controller with the PS5.
  • Wait for the controller to finish charging.

You can empty the battery by continuously using it for some time. Just play a game that doesn’t need the X button or remap it. After the controller is turned off on its own, connect it with your PlayStation. A yellow light will glow. Wait until the yellow light turns off. Then turn your controller on. It should be working by now.

Follow our guide to fix PS5 Crashing.

3. Reset the controller

If you are still facing trouble with the controller. Then you should reset the controller. You might think about how a reset will fix my controller. Well, the answer is resetting will clear out the button mapping and take it back to its original factory state. So if there is any software glitch, it will be fixed.

Here are the steps to reset the PS5 controller:

  • Disconnect the controller.
  • Find a hole in the controller’s back.
  • Insert a small pin.
  • Hold the pin for 5 secs.hold-the-pin-for-5-secs

After the reset, connect your controller. Your controller should be working by now. If it is still not working, claim a warranty before opening it.

Also, check out our separate post on how to fix PS5 Purchase Error?

Final Thoughts

It is extremely frustrating when your controller stops working all of a sudden. And it gets more frustrating when there is no 2nd controller available to you.

Hopefully, with this guideline, you can fix your problem. If you have any future queries on PlayStation 5, do reach out to us.

About The Author
Farhan is a tech researcher and enthusiast. He’s been into tech and gaming since he got a PS2 in his childhood.Currently, he’s almost done with his undergrad.Besides testing and researching geeky stuff, Farhan has an utmost passion for photography.

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