Is Valorant Available to Play on PS4, PS5 and Xbox?

Written By Jason Andrews

Valorant became a smash hit ever since hitting PCs in Q3 of 2020. Players have become engrossed with its fast style of play, and it did not take long before it became a favorite on the list of popular e-sports shooters.

But what about Valorant on the consoles? Can you play it on PS4?is-valorant-available-to-play-on-ps4-ps5-xbox

That’s what we will answer in this article. By the end, you will know Valorant’s release date and other rumors related to this.

So, let’s get started.

Is Valorant on PS4?

No, Valorant is not available on PS4 or PS5. You can only play it free on PCs running on Windows (meeting minimum system requirements is needed). It is also available on Game Pass for Windows. But apart from PCs, it is not available on any other platform right now.


Many PS4 players were excited about the release of Valorant on PlayStation. But so far, there is no official announcement from Riot Games about the release of Valorant on PS4. The interest grew particularly due to Rainbox Six Siege, which is available for both PS4 and PS5. As a first-person e-sports title, it played really well, which made gamers hopeful that Valorant could also come to the PS4.

Even Riot has been prototyping internally how Valorant would play if released to the PS4. But Valorant does not support aim-assist, which is important when you are on a controller.

Valorant supports controllers on PCs, but you will have a hard time aiming without any built-in assist. That is another reason why Valorant is not available on PS4.

Is Valorant Available on PS5 and Xbox?

No, Valorant is not available on PS5. It is also unavailable on other consoles such as Xbox One or Xbox Series S and X, or Nintendo Switch. There is no official statement on Valorant’s release date for consoles either.

There is a wide player base available for this market, considering the sales of consoles every year. PS5 is a glaring example; it has been shattering sales numbers ever since the chip shortage is over.

Even Riot knows this. But they are committed to bringing a version on the console that plays exactly the same way as on a PC. Until that happens, you have to use a PC to play Valorant.

When is Valorant coming to PS4 and PS5?

Right now, there is no release date for Valorant on PS4 and PS5. While the developers have expressed interest in this matter, it is up to them to decide whether a console version will be released.


Riot made an appearance during the Xbox game preview, where they announced Valorant would be added to the Xbox Game Pass service. That could have increased the excitement that a console version of Valorant is on the cards. Until an official announcement comes, gamers can only speculate about the future.

As of now, Riot is developing a mobile version of Valorant. Once that is released, they may shift their focus to the console segment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Valorant free on ps4?

Valorant is a free-to-play title, but it is not available on PS4. Right now, you can only play it on a PC.

Why isn’t Valorant available on PS4?

Valorant is a tactical shooter. This means the ability to aim perfectly is very crucial. Playing it using controllers does not give you the same level of accuracy. That is one reason why Valorant is not on PS4. Besides, it is hard to develop Valorant console port, and ps4 is an old one; So, that’s another reason.

Is Valorant on nintendo switch?

No, Valorant is not on PS4 or PS5, or the Nintendo Switch.


It is a bummer that you cannot play Valorant on the PS4 right now. But do understand that there are technical reasons for that. When Riot makes sure they have a playable version with controllers ready, they will release it to the masses.

Until then, a PC is your best bet to play Valorant. And with that said, it is time to say goodbye.

About The Author
Jason is a tech fanatic. He got his first computer when he was just 7 years old. Till then he's madly in love with computers, tech, and gaming.Jason completed his post-grad in electrical engineering from a well-reputed university.He's extremely passionate to share his tech findings with 10PCG.

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