How To Fix PS4 Controller Flashing Blue [3 Working Fix 2024]

Written By Adnan

PlayStation 4 controller comes with a LED light on it. The LED light bar was missing on the previous generation of Dual Shock controllers too.

Dual Shock lightbar will notify you when it is charging or connected with your PlayStation 4. It will blink before if you are trying to connect the Dual Shock 4 controller with your PlayStation 4 console.


Lately, many people have been complaining that their PS4 controller or the Dual Shock 4 controller is not connecting with their console, and it is just flashing the blue light.

Well, as a PlayStation 4 fanboy, I am here to take you out of this situation. I am going to write a step-by-step guide so that you can fix your issue in no time.

So put on your reading glasses to get your desired fix.

Why is My PS4 Controller Flashing Blue And Not Connecting?

Your PlayStation 4 or the Dual Shock 4 controller might be flashing blue because of not having enough charge to connect with your console. Also, if you are trying to connect with the console but the console is shut down, then you will see your controller is just flashing blue.

Dual Shock 4 lightbar is really a lifesaver at times. That was the most significant improvement coming from all the generations of Dual Shock!

The light bar made the PlayStation 4 controller as futuristic as it can be. It is strange how Xbox never had a controller with a lightbar on it, and fans hate absolutely hate it that there is no lightbar on Xbox controllers.

Even though the Dual Sense controller doesn’t have a big lightbar like the Dual Shock 4 controller but still has a light beam on it, and you might consider that the LED lightbar is a gimmicky feature. But it is not; the lightbar is anything but a gimmick.

First of all, different LED’s on the lightbar will tell you which profile you are on. Also, when you charge the controller, the lightbar will glow an orange LED light to let you know that your controller is charging.

On the other hand, the light bar will flash white continuously if you are trying to connect the controller with devices other than a PS4. You will see a flashing blue light when you are trying to connect the controller with a PS4 or PS5 console.

But the problem is when you continuously see the flashing blue light, not the solid ones. That means your controller is not connecting with the console. This is quite common for me as I have had the issue many times.

So don’t panic and know about the reasons before getting into troubleshooting steps. Because if you know the reasons behind it, you will be able to fix it ASAP.

Here are the reasons why your PS4 controller is flashing blue and not connecting:

Console Turned Off

This is the mistake I always make; I don’t know if this is a mistake or negligence. You can turn on your PlayStation 4 console with your controller by pressing the PS button, and the controller will make a beep and turn on.

Meanwhile, your controller will flash blue and will turn to solid blue when your console is turned on. The only problem is when the console is off from the wall socket; I mean, if the main switch is off, then it won’t be able to turn itself on, and your controller will only flash blue light.

So make sure your PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5 is turned on from the main connection before pressing the PS button on the controller.

Also, check out our separate post about fix PS4 error ws-44949-0.

Controller Not Paired With PS4/PS5

If you are setting up the controller for the first time with your PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5, it won’t connect immediately and flash blue light.

When you try to set up a PS4 controller for the first time, you have to keep in mind that there is no controller data or profile in your console, which will automatically connect it to your console. So to pair the controller for the first time, you have to do it manually.

If you don’t pair it manually, the controller will just flash blue and turn off.

Controller Has Been Through A Reset

Resetting a controller wipes down the previous paired devices and profiles. So when you press the PS button on your PS4 controller, the controller will just flash blue.

So you have to pair the controller with your PlayStation 4 manually. Or, just like the previous issue, your controller will just flash and turn off. Resetting a controller makes it how you received the controller for the first time.

Low Battery

A low battery on the controller will prevent you from connecting with your PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5.

PlayStation 4 controllers are often slammed for it’s poor battery life. You might suffer more if you are using the V1 on the controller. So charge your controller and then try to connect your controller with the PS4.

These are the reasons why your PlayStation 4 console will flash blue and not connect with your console.

How To Fix PS4 Controller Flashing Blue And Not Connecting

You can fix your PS4 flashing blue and not connecting with the console by charging the controller. Pairing the controller manually with your PlayStation 4 will also fix the issue. If there is any issue with the controller’s system cache, then resetting the controller will also help.

Follow the steps to fix the PS4 controller flashing blue and not connecting:

1. Charge the controller

Not having enough charge on your controller might block you from connecting your PS4 controller with a console.

Follow the steps to charge your controller:

  • Turn on your PlayStation 4 console.
  • Insert the USB cable into the PS4 USB port.
  • Connect the Controller with the console to charge the controller. ps4-controller-charging

After connecting the controller, the controller will flash an orange light. When the controller is done charging, the LED light will stop glowing and turn off. Try to connect the controller, then.

If your issue is not solved, then follow the next method.

2. Connect the controller with a cable

If you are having issues connecting your controller with your PS4 wirelessly, then you should connect the controller with a wire. It would be better if your use the original USB cable that came in the box with the PS4.

Follow the steps to connect the PS4 controller with a cable:

  • Turn on the PS4 console.
  • Plug the USB cable in the front USBs of the PlayStation 4.
  • Connect the controller. connect-ps4-controller-cable
  • Press the PS button.

When you press the PS button, the controller will flash for a while and then eventually connect with your console. Follow the steps if you recently bought a new controller or reset the controller. Don’t use any cheap cable as most of them are not supported by the PS4.

3. Reset the controller

If there is any glitch in the controller, then it might not connect to your console. After a reset, your issues will be solved.

Follow the steps to reset the PS4 controller:

  • Turn off the controller.
  • Locate the reset button on the back of the controller.
  • Insert a small pin into the hole. ps4-controller-reset-button
  • Press and hold the pin for 15 secs.

There you go! Your controller has been reset. Now plug in the controller with your PS4 and pair the controller.

Final Thoughts

You can easily fix the PS4 controller flashing blue light by connecting the controller with a cable. Every time I had an issue, I just followed this step and got my problem resolved right away.

Hopefully, this guideline will help you to fix your issue. And for more queries, do reach us out!

About The Author
Ciao! I am Adnan Alam, and I am currently going through law school. I grew up playing video games from the OG Mario era to today’s Elden Ring! My favorite pastime is amassing video game systems. I’ve owned every generation of PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo. Each day, I devote many hours to researching cutting-edge gadgets and testing them out for myself. Outside of that, I’m a huge Arsenal supporter.

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