Why Is My Phone Charging So Fast? [Definitive Answer 2024]

Written By Jason Andrews

Is your smartphone taking less than the usual time to reach 100%? Is it a frequent occurrence or something that happens once in a while?

There are several factors that influence the charging speed of smartphones. These factors vary according to smartphone type, charging accessories, charging habits, and so on.why-is-my-phone-charging-so-fast

In this article, you’ll find the possible reasons why your phone is charging so fast.

Let’s begin!

Why Is My Phone Charging Too Quickly?

Your smartphone is charging too quickly due to having a fast charging adapter with higher watts. It depends on two factors — which phone you’re using and the technology used for fast charging. Besides, worn-out batteries also get charged very fast. They hold less power and last for a short period.

However, there are various additional reasons why your phone charges super fast. I’ll mention them in the below section.

Here are the reasons why your phone charging too quickly:

1. High Source Voltage

Plugging directly into an outlet will give your phone the fastest charge. Other elements could serve as exceptions, but the majority of fast charges come from the wall outlet.

Sometimes outlet delivers much more power, and no phone charger is going to utilize this much wattage, nor should it. Doing so would destroy the battery and spoil the phone.high-source-voltageSome cables can support higher wattages resulting in faster charging times. Your power source might be limiting the flow of electricity if you’re not using a standard wall outlet. This includes things like portable batteries or charging the phone through a laptop.

If your phone is charging more quickly than expected, it might be because you’re used to charging it through something other than a wall outlet.

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2. High Powered Adapter

In general, the larger the power adapter’s wattage, the faster your phone will charge. More wattage doesn’t always equalize faster charging because there are some other limiting factors, like the cable and even the phone itself.

However, if your power adapter is small, it can limit the amount of electrical power flowing to your phone, impacting how quickly the phone charges. So, don’t get fooled by the physical size of the adapter.high-powered-adapterOne adapter might appear larger than another but have the same or even less wattage. You should pay attention to how many watts it can deliver, not to the adapter’s dimensions or shape. Many charging adapters have the wattage printed somewhere on the device.

3. Fast Charging is Enabled

Most smartphone companies introduced fast charging in 2017, and the charging speeds can vary based on the battery percentage. This fast charging technology works by comparing the proper voltage between the charger and the device to ensure none is damaged in the charging process.fast-charging-enabledCharging starts from a minimum of 5 volts and then works its way up to an acceptable intensity as the device allows. Fast charging is most effective when the battery is less than 50%, you might notice your phone charging quickly when the percentage is below this level.

As the battery level approaches 80%, the charge current reduces significantly to avoid damage to the lithium-ion battery. Some smartphones, including iPhones, have a setting you can toggle to optimize charging.

In case your phone is charging quickly, this setting might be disabled.

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4. High-Quality Cable

Not only the connectors but also the quality of the cables interfere with phone charging speed. Cables can identically be the same and have similar connectors but vary significantly in power capacity and distribution.

Here are the factors of high-quality cables:

Guage of the Cable

You may not always be able to tell the gauge of a cable just by looking, but if you want to purchase a new one in the future, make sure to note the gauge.

A thicker gauge is better because it prevents breakage and decreases electrical resistance. As gauge numbers increase, wire diameter decreases, so less is more in this case.

Length of the Cable

The length of the cable also has a great effect. It has an impact on the resistance equation, meaning longer cables will lose some voltage along the way.

State of the Cable

The charging speed can hamper if the connector or the cable is broken or worn down. Gauges can prevent some damage, but cables simply expose over time

So, If your phone is charging fast, you might have a new, undamaged cable.

5. Reduced Battery Capacity

Battery capacity reduction is also a major reason to fast charge your phone. If you observe your phone’s battery percentage jump from 10% to 50% within a couple of minutes, this is likely a sign that your battery is failing.

Nowadays, most robust lithium-ion batteries have a limited number of recharge cycles. When those recharge cycles are used up, the battery’s maximum capacity degrades.

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6. Power Saving Mode

Switching your phone to Airplane Mode before connecting your charger will make your phone charge faster. This will blockade your cell phone’s connections to the cellular, Bluetooth, radio and WiFi services that can consume power even when you’re not using your device.

While in Airplane Mode, your phone will be using less power, allowing it to charge much faster.power-saving-modeWhether you’re an Android or iOS user, you can turn on Airplane mode by tapping the Settings app on your home screen, selecting Airplane Mode, and sliding the toggle to On. You’ll know this mode is enabled by the small airplane icon that will appear at the top of your phone’s screen.

Switching to Airplane mode means you won’t be able to make or receive calls, texts, data or GPS until you return to your phone’s normal settings, but it should help charge your phone faster.

7. Turning Off the Phone

In case you Turn off your phone completely while charging, it will charge your phone battery much faster because the battery isn’t being used to do anything else.

This is not an ideal option since it means you won’t be able to use your cell phone at all while you’re charging it—no texts, alerts, calls, listening to music, playing games, etc.

Also, check out our separate post on how to know if my AirPods are charging?


Can fast charging reduce the lifespan time of the battery?

Yes, fast charging can reduce the lifespan of the battery. It is not the speed that harms the battery. It is the heat that doesn’t have time to escape.

Does charging your phone overnight affect the battery life?

No, charging your phone overnight does not affect your battery life. All smartphones today have special technology that automatically stops charging after it reaches 100.

Does fast charging a mobile phone lead to a faster battery drain?

Yes, fast charging a mobile phone leads to a faster battery drain. Fast charging causes more battery wear than slow charging. Battery wear reduces the effective capacity of the total charge a battery can hold.

A Final Thought

After reading this article, I am sure this article has answered all your queries and helped you to decide what to do with your phone.

If you have any further questions, feel free to comment below.

About The Author
Jason is a tech fanatic. He got his first computer when he was just 7 years old. Till then he's madly in love with computers, tech, and gaming.Jason completed his post-grad in electrical engineering from a well-reputed university.He's extremely passionate to share his tech findings with 10PCG.

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